10 Worst Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

1. Serenity

Serenity Anne Hathaway
Aviron Pictures

Where to even begin with Serenity? What jokes can you even make that haven’t already been done to death? Yes, this is the movie where Matthew McConaughey is in a video game, talks to a character called ‘The Rules’ and chases down a shark called Justice which doubles as the most on-the-nose bit of film symbolism maybe ever.

And, despite being completely absurd, everything in Serenity is played straight, to the point where it really does think it’s telling an emotional, human story, which is probably how it managed to hook so many A-Listers in.

The worst thing about Serenity, though, is that it’s not even ‘so bad it’s good’. It’s just bad, and nowhere near as interesting as it sounds on paper. There are, of course, things to laugh at, like Matthew shagging everything he sees (he’d probably shag the fish as well if he ever caught it and it wasn’t just a metaphor), but they’re too infrequent, and not worth the terribly-acted nothing surrounding them.

It’s destined to go down in history as one of the worst films of the decade, but don’t put yourself through it; the internet takedown videos are far more entertaining than the movie itself.



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We love teamwork! Who doesn't? This article is a collaborative effort between Simon Gallagher and Josh Brown.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3