10 Worst Movies Of 2021

1. Everything Bruce Willis Starred In

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Saban Films & RLJE

Can somebody go check on Bruce Willis?

If you've been even remotely following the actor's career in recent years, you'll be aware that his cinematic output these days is largely comprised of embarrassingly chintzy straight-to-VOD action flicks where he gets to collect an easy paycheck for a few days of work.

And 2021 saw Willis ramp up his output to basically industrious, conveyor-belt levels by appearing in a staggering seven non-theatrical action films.

These ranged from generic cop thrillers like Midnight in the Switchgrass, Out of Death, and Survive the Game, to low-budget sci-fi flicks like Cosmic Sin and Apex, and even a recent riff on the Die Hard formula with Deadlock.

In each film, Willis has around 15 minutes of screen time and typically relies on his body/stunt double to do anything that even vaguely resembles heavy lifting. This allows the filmmakers to shoot the film around Willis' schedule - a model that's inexplicably still profitable, apparently.

Easy though it is to laugh at Willis' career decline, it's genuinely sad to see a talented performer who seems to have fallen out of love with acting and is now content to just hoover up easy cash from these stunningly lousy action flicks.

And with the actor having around a dozen unreleased movies in post-production at present, expect 2022 to be an even more depressing year for Willis' fans.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.