10 Worst Movies Of 2021

2. Vanquish

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Look, Morgan Freeman is 84 years old and has an enviable filmography chock full of classic movies, so who are we to blame him for taking some trashy late-career paycheck roles?

Even so, Vanquish is an embarrassingly lazy effort for all involved, a hokey, low-rent thriller about a former drug courier (Ruby Rose) forced to perform One Last Job in order to save her daughter, who is being held hostage by her former associate (Freeman).

Generic movies aren't the worst thing in the world if they deliver the well-executed goods, but no human being will probably ever describe Vanquish as well-executed or even basically competent.

Though horribly written and nauseatingly filmed, the worst aspect of Vanquish lies in so thoroughly wasting Freeman in the role of the villain, who films almost his entire role on a single set, a decision rendered apparently plausible by making his villain wheelchair-bound.

Even the great Freeman looks about ready for nap time throughout, and though Rose is trying to do something with the nothing material, this only barely meets the basic requirements of being an actual movie fit for sale (and even then, some might argue the toss).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.