10 Worst Movies Of 2021

5. Music

Awake Thumb
Vertical Entertainment

While a lot of the films on this are just flat-out lazy, Music is a little different.

It's clear that Sia's directorial debut comes from a place of good intentions, to represent the experiences of a young autistic person on screen in an experimental, emotional way, but it is also one of the most shambolic failures-of-intent in recent cinematic history.

Winner of three Razzie awards including Worst Director, Worst Actress for Kate Hudson, and Worst Supporting Actress for Maddie Ziegler, Music is a step-by-step guide in how not to tackle sensitive subject matter or respectively represent a class of people historically under-represented in cinema.

From the not-autistic Ziegler's uneasily stereotype-driven, over-the-top performance as the title character, to the fact that she's less a character than a storytelling device used to foreground the story of her half-sister Zu (Hudson), this is a car crash of gooey melodrama, unearned sentiment, and jarringly energetic musical numbers.

Worst of all, the film was rightly raked over the coals for a highly controversial scene in which Zu uses the oft-criticised, extremely dangerous "prone restraint" technique to subdue Music.

The backlash was significant enough that Sia ended up cutting the scene out of later theatrical screenings entirely.

The lesson here? Do your damn homework before making a film about a marginalised group, and ensure people from that group are heavily involved in the creative process.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.