10 Worst Movies Starring Wrestlers

3. The Marine 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0UchmZgArw I didn't think it could get much worse than The Marine, a mediocre action film starring John Cena that somehow managed to rope in talented actors like Robert Patrick for the ride. It apparently can get worse, though, for The Marine 2, filmed on a lesser budget and boasting an even more inane, forgettable script, also doesn't have the starring presence of a mountainous man like Cena. Rather, we get Ted DiBiase (the younger one) essentially rehashing the same beats of the original film - he returns home from war, his girlfriend gets kidnapped, and he has to get her back - albeit without the same hulking cinematic appeal of his predecessor. It baffles for numerous reasons; Ted DiBiase has proven throughout his WWE career that he's really a natural heel, and so this good-guy movie role is not believable at all, plus the film plays as a glorified remake of the original film - which was bad enough - and not much else. It's an especially painful exercise in cynicism from the reliable guys at WWE Films.
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