10 Worst Performances In Batman Movies

6. Katie Holmes €“ Rachel Dawes (Batman Begins)

This is a performance that simply hasn€™t aged well. Because the character of Rachel Dawes got such a meatier role in the second of Nolan€™s films, and because they cast the always brilliant Maggie Gyllenhaal to take on this more substantial character, it really makes Holmes€™ depiction look timid and weak in comparison. Inevitably then, Katie Homes is admittedly a bit of a soft target for this kind of list. But in saying all that, while she does try with the material, it seems she is well and truly miscast in this world. It€™s frankly a bit hard to take her seriously because she looks like she is about 22 playing €˜lawyer€™ with her friends, and when she is meant to be a €˜no-nonsense attorney€™ she seems more petulant than bold. It also is almost impossible to understand why it is that her and Bruce are supposed to be attracted to each other €“ the chemistry is almost non-existent and as far as we can tell their romance is simply built off being friends as children (although Bale is as much to blame in that regard as she is). It would have been interesting to see how Holmes handled the new material in the second film, and whether or not this would have made her performance in the first flick look like part of an ongoing character development. Unfortunately for her we€™ll never know this, and she€™s going to have to put up with years of keyboard warriors (like this scribe) comparing her to someone she didn€™t know she€™d be in competition with. Regardless of the criticisms though she is still a far more rounded and realistic female character than the next entry€

Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.