10 Worst Practical Effects Movie Monsters
9. Monster A Go-Go – Frank Douglas (Or Not?)

Now for something a little less easy to defend than Prophecy’s beastly bear. Where some fans claim Frankenheimer’s vintage nature horror still has a few choice scares, Monster a Go-Go is only worth watching for a laugh. The flick at least provides those by the bucketload, whether it’s the original film or the classic Mystery Science Theatre 3000 episode devoted to mocking it.
Consistently keeping a place among the bottom one hundred films on IMDB, Monster a Go-Go’s titular threat consists of an astronaut who looks like he’s spilled a bit of oatmeal on his face. The makeup is so unconvincing that the monster’s sudden unexplained disappearance at the film’s climax comes as a relief.
As for the inexplicable reveal that the astronaut he was inhabiting is alive and well? Er… We’re sure it made sense in the sixties.