10 Worst Practical Effects Movie Monsters
4. Skinned Deep – Brain
Around 2004, cinemagoers were plunged into a world flooded with CGI ghosts as the emerging technology proved it could create cost efficient—if deeply unimpressive—scares. With stiff competition in the crap villain rankings from the likes of Stay Alive and Boogeyman, a film would need impressively terrible practical effects to prove CGI stood a chance at longevity in the genre.
Luckily, Skinned Deep managed exactly that. Somehow squandering a relatively sizeable budget, the film featured a brood of pscyhos clearly modelled on the Texas Chainsaw massacre’s killer family, and the effects used to realize them were bad enough to put anyone off their popcorn. Somehow managing to look both disgusting and unconvincing, the only description Skinned Deep’s antagonists didn’t earn was ‘scary’.
Special mention must go to Brain, whose prosthetic head enhancement looks… Well, like something other than a brain, to be quite honest. The actor assaying the role was arrested during filming for public nudity, proving filmmakers will do almost anything to distract from some woeful effects.