10 Worst Practical Effects Movie Monsters
3. The Night Of The Demon – Bigfoot
The video nasty era is a dark mark for British cinema, with a bevy of controversial classics being hastily banned by misinformed censors to sate a misguided moral panic. A great many of the films cut were masterpieces of practical effects and celebrated artists such as Tom Savini had some of their finest work sliced out of releases during this era.
However, not every film destined for the BBFC chopping block was such a misunderstood masterpiece. Enter 1980’s Night of the Demon, where the titular monster is an iteration of Bigfoot who makes Harry and the Henderson’s cryptid look terrifying. The human-animal hybrid is given little screen time, but this does little to mask just how lame the costume is.
Even the film’s impressive gore quotient can’t cover up how unconvincing its central baddie is—no matter how many kills the monster racks up, there’s no getting past his resemblance to a hairier Lou Ferrigno. Bizarrely, much of the film takes place in broad daylight, resulting in an often completely exposed bigfoot costume which is more Suburban Sasquatch than nightmare fuel.