10 Worst Stephen King Film Adaptations

9. Christine

Graveyard Shift

To be fair to John Carpenter, as one always should be - the man gave us Halloween and The Thing after all - Christine is not one of King's best novels. Adapting the story of a haunted car for the screen could have been some excellent b-movie horror comedy, but instead it falls very flat.

To start with, while the effects of Christine are quite impressive, the same cannot be said for any of the acting on show. Carpenter is a man who was able to get amazing performances from Jamie Lee Curtis and Kurt Russell, but here he struggles to get anything redeeming from Keith Gordon, who struggles through the film as the tortured doomed Arnie.

The film is best remembered for the flaming car, the alley kill and the fight in the garage at the end. All of that is fair, as it most certainly should not be remembered for its acting. Carpenter and King are both horror legends but this is not a story that either of them should have high on their resumes. While both would return with far stronger works after this, it is a shame that this is their one collaboration together.

Now, as always, a special mention on any review of a John Carpenter film must be given to the soundtrack which is utterly wonderful, raising the overall quality of the film. Though the events on screen may not deserve the music underscoring it, the film did give us Carpenter and Alan Howarth's synth heavy collaboration. So, there can't been too much hate, really.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick