10 Worst, Strangest & Most Distracting Film Cameos of 2012

6. Lady Gaga - Men In Black III

Lady Gaga Following on from the first two MIB films' trend of "outing" alien celebrities, on the Men In Black agency surveillance board, director Barry Sonnenfeld chose to include odd androgynous pop star Lady Gaga as one of the aliens in the third film. His reasoning however, doesn't really stand-up:
"So, the challenge is getting celebrities that are famous, will give you permission and won't be like 'Who's that guy?' in 10 years."
Personally, I wholly expect to be saying "Who's that guy?" about Lady Gaga in ten years, because pop stars built on a gimmick tend not to have the best longevity, regardless of how many records they initially sell. Was there any real need for this cameo to happen? No. It wasn't funny, it wasn't particularly memorable, and it boosted neither the profile of Gaga or of the film by association, because it was just too obvious a choice. The other alien cameos in the first two films were funnier, because they were less expected, and crucially they didn't pander to trends at the time of release, but this felt like little more than glorified product placement.
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