10 Worst, Strangest & Most Distracting Film Cameos of 2012

7. Ed Norton - The Dictator

Ed Norton The Dictator was a case in point for the rule of diminishing returns, in terms of Sacha Baron Cohen's film career. Ali G might not have been as widely seen, but it was his best, and then Borat was almost as good, before the quality dipped a little with Bruno and dropped quite dramatically with The Dictator. The problem was that it wasn't unexpected anymore - Cohen's best comedy was played on unsuspecting victims, not complicit partners in crime, and as a result, The Dictator felt too scripted and far, far too safe, even when it was clearly trying to push the boundaries. The fact that Cohen was able to get Megan Fox and Ed Norton to appear in sex-joke cameos proved that his profile was already too big for his comedy to work anymore, and the Norton one in particular was about the oddest thing that happened in the entire film, and it appears that even the most serious of actors will happily poke fun at themselves. Sadly, the cameo wasn't half as funny as Norton was probably led to believe it might be. http://youtu.be/SUKxDoKn4Co
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