10 Worst, Strangest & Most Distracting Film Cameos of 2012

3. Johnny Depp in Jack and Jill

Johnny Depp I've been a Johnny Depp apologist for some time now, because the actor who dazzled in Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas and charmed in Chocolat has it in him to be one of the finest actors of his generation. Sadly for his fans, he also clearly has a penchant for self-destruction: occasionally working against his good image by making terrible career choices, and this one has to go straight to the top of that pile. In the year in which he also appeared in a cameo in 21 Jump Street, Depp also unthinkably joined Adam Sandler for a cameo in the terrible Jack and Jill, without even the finest slither of comic effect. Entirely upstaged by Al Pacino - who should undoubtedly fire whoever it was who convinced him to sign up to this fetid movie - Depp appears at a basketball game wearing a Justin Bieber T-shirt and proceeds to stick out like a sore thumb. He's not comfortable, he's not funny and he should reassess exactly why he ever agreed to do it. http://youtu.be/XniweFak35A
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