10 Worst Things James Bond Has Ever Done

7. Drilling Carver

Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), Brosnan's second entry in the Bond series, is not the most memorable film of the last few decades and, regardless of the fact that he is portrayed by the great Jonathan Pryce, neither is media baron Elliot Carver one of the franchise's most memorable villains.

Nevertheless, he is treated to a particularly gruesome end, courtesy of an unusually hands-on Bond.

The film is essentially about the ignition and subsequent dampening of a war between China and the United Kingdom, designed to afford Carver media rights and sell a lot of newspapers. Apparently not all bad guys want one billion yen.

During the film's final sequence on a stealth ship, Bond takes Carver on alone, holding the villain in place until the jaws of his own sea drill chew him to bloody pieces.

This is a particularly sadistic move on Bond's part, who usually favours a quick bullet to the head or a drop from a great height. As straight up kills go, it is his most brutal, and by far one of the worst things he has ever done.

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The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.