10 Worst Threequels Of All Time

9. RoboCop 3

Orion Pictures

Everything that made the first film great - Paul Verhoeven's direction, Peter Weller's underrated performance, and its R rating - was gone by the time we got to third part and the result was a dumbed down, commercial and lazy film no one wanted.

All the outlandish violence of the first film is nowhere to be seen and the only real similarity between this and the first picture is the iconic suit and an appearance by Nancy Allen. Also, the lack of humour really hurts the film as it was a nice contrast to the graphic violence and suited the slightly absurd nature of the material.

Robert John Burke is no Peter Weller and everything from his mannerisms to voice just doesn't feel right and only emphasises just how perfect Weller was for the role. The storyline is a little bit Robin Hood, but it's so contrived it makes you want to slam a cricket bat into your head repeatedly.

RoboCop was originally an interesting commentary on a dystopian society with themes such as capitalism, privatisation and identity, but this third part is a lazy action movie that should have been thrown in the straight-to-DVD bin.


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