10 Worst Threequels Of All Time

8. The Matrix Revolutions

Warner Bros. Pictures

After the revolutionary impact of The Matrix in 1999, interest was high for sequels. We eventually got two, both in 2003. The first, Reloaded, was bloated and confusing, but could be forgiven because of its monumental action scenes and the fact that a final part was due soon to tidy the existential rambling up.

But we were wrong, so wrong. Revolutions delved further into self-obsessiveness through existential philosophy and Platonic allegories. The Wachowski's seemed to forget they had a plot to make and instead threw all the knowledge they gained from A-level philosophy into a $150 million movie. Neo, Morpheus and Trinity take a backseat to the lame battle of Zion for most of the movie and Neo even spends a large portion of the movie looking gormless in a train station.

There's only so much pseudo-intellectualism you can take, and whilst some of it could be excused in the second film, mainly because of that crazy sequence on the highway, there's no excuse for the sleep-inducing babble preached here.


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