10 Worst Times Famous Comic Book Characters Were Radically Changed For Movies

7. Cyclops (X-Men)

lex luthor jesse eisenberg batman v superman
20th Century Fox

As Charles Xavier’s first student and the iconic leader of the X-Men, Scott Summers embodies nearly every heroic trait imaginable. He’s noble, courageous, and a smart leader in the field, so while that makes him less exciting that certain other X-Men, his hopeful altruism has long made him a favourite of many.

When X-Men came out, none of those traits were readily apparent, and there were a few people questioning what had happened.

Cyclops was now little more than a jealous boyfriend, who spent most of his time being bitter while ceding the spotlight to Wolverine. Outwardly, his character was the same, but the personality just wasn’t there at all. It was clear to fans of the comics that this was not the same Cyclops they were used to.

Things would only get worse as the series went on and it was apparent that no one in charge seemed to understand what made the character work.

Hopefully X-Men: Apocalypse gives Bryan Singer the chance to correct these mistakes and give us the more faithful version of Cyclops that we've been deprived of thus far.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.