10 Worst Times Famous Comic Book Characters Were Radically Changed For Movies

6. Catwoman (Catwoman)

lex luthor jesse eisenberg batman v superman
Warner Bros

When speaking about radically altered characters from page to screen, it’s almost unfair to even mention Halle Berry’s laughable heroine. That's because it's abundantly clear that her character is Catwoman in name only.

In the film, Patience Phillips is an artist for a cosmetics company who stumbles onto a conspiracy and is promptly killed to shut her up. She’s then resurrected by a cat representing the Egyptian goddess Bast and gains cat-like powers.

If that sounds nothing like Selina Kyle, flirtatious cat burglar, that’s because she in no way resembles her. The personalities don't match, they don't look remotely similar and the presence of superpowers cause her to operate differently. With all of that in mind, to say the character was radically changed is an understatement.

It’s a wonder how this movie even got made and why they would bother calling her Catwoman at all when it’s clear that no one in charge had even glimpsed Catwoman in a comic before. Thankfully, the terrible critical and commercial reaction to the character and the film as a whole surely let executives know what people think about these kinds of dramatic overhauls.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.