10 Worst Ways Movie Characters Have Died In Space

3. Worm Sex - Galaxy Of Terror

Total Recall
New World Pictures

In Galaxy of Terror, a space crew land on the world of Morganthus to search for a lost ship. When they land, an extra-terrestrial on the planet attacks them by conjuring projections of their greatest fears.

Even though the film had a lot of gore, the producer, Roger Corman, wasn't satisfied and fought tooth and nail to include a scene where the character, Dameia, is raped to death by a gigantic worm.

In this scene, Dameia enters a dank room where the giant monster leaps onto her, rips off her clothes, and forces itself upon her. Unable to push it off, the creature penetrates Dameia, forcing her to have a lethal orgasm. Even though a lot of shots are obscured, Dameia's ear-piercing screams really sell how horrific her fate is.

The scene was so shocking for its time, Galaxy of Terror became known as the "worm sex" movie, which director, Bruce Clark, believes helped make it a success.

The rest of the crew also suffer grisly fates including having their faces ripped off or being murdered by their own dismembered arms but they got off lightly compared to Dameia.


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