10 Worst Ways Movie Characters Have Died In Space

4. Getting Trapped In Space - Armageddon

Total Recall
Touchstone Pictures

In Michael Bay's blockbuster, Armageddon, a team of oil drillers are tasked with detonating a bomb inside an asteroid before it collides into Earth. Because this is a disaster movie, it's no surprise that every part of the plan goes horribly wrong.

As soon as their mission begins, passengers are ripped to shreds, blown up, or sucked into space. As horrific as this sounds, at least these guys died quickly.

The same cannot be said about Max. After he lands on the asteroid, he uses a mobile driller to cut through the surface of the celestial body. Unfortunately, he strikes a methane pocket, causing a surge of gas to build up.

Although the other astronauts dive out of the way before it blows, Max doesn't have time to get out of the vehicle, causing his driller to be blasted into space with him still inside. Despite the fact we don't see Max meet his maker, he has one of the saddest scenes since it would've taken hours for his oxygen to run out, condemning him to a slow and painful death.


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