10 Would-Be Franchises That Failed At The First Hurdle

2. Green Lantern


Before they found success with this summer's Man of Steel, Warner Bros tried and failed to match Marvel Studios' string of big screen home runs with 2011's abortive franchise nonstarter Green Lantern. Warner Bros spent $200 million to bring its B-list DC Comics character to the big screen in what they hoped would be the first in a series of stand alone features that would lead into a Justice League picture a la The Avengers. Warner Bros didn't count on audiences' tepid response to the film's heinous CGI and unwillingness to tolerate star Ryan Reynold's mugging performance. The film struggled to break even making only $219 million against its $200 million budget. Warner Bros put all plans for its Justice League franchise on hold until the summer of 2013 when they released Man of Steel.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.