10 WTF Moments In Film You Won't Believe They Got Away With

9. "Accidental" Chicken-Based Racism

The Film: (1992) Who knew that Mary Kate and Ashley Olson were tiny little adorable racists? Okay, so maybe the following scene wasn't within their control, but that doesn't really excuse whoever it was who allowed it to be filmed at all, let alone in a children's film. Apparently, it's fine to be casually racist, as long as your stars are adorable, blonde-haired cherubs, but there's no escaping the distasteful implications of their rewarding the street busker with fried chicken, in what appears to be such a premeditated manner. And to make it even better, this was featured in a Christmas Special, because nothing says peace and goodwill to all men like racism. All joking aside, the film has attracted a lot of righteous indignation concerning this scene, and its motivations, but judged by its own context, there appears to be no merit at all in the scene, other than enticing a cheap laugh that hides behind the innocence of children to express a deeply distasteful idea.
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