10 Zombie Movies That Broke All The Rules

5. Zombieland (2009)

Life After Beth
Columbia Pictures

Throughout the late 2000's zombie films had become a dime a dozen with half-hearted efforts to make cheap horror films littering DVD shelves, and audiences becoming more interested in other genres of horrors such as the supernatural or torture porn, or shooting for outlandish gimmicks such as the found-footage craze.

Mainstream audiences were kept in the zombie loop by the Resident Evil franchise, but the market was old news and was flooded with zombie flicks of similar plots and themes.

Zombieland suddenly burst onto the scene with an insane style and hilarious plot to completely revitalize the genre.

The film follows a nerdy kid who has a long set of rules he states to the audience, making them understand how to survive an apocalypse while featuring some gorgeous cinematography to boot. Essentially a road-trip movie that has zombies, the film goes against the rules of the genre by pointing out how silly a lot of the actions taken in them are.

The film never sways into overly-meta territory either, with a smart script filled with surprises and one of the best cameo appearances in cinema history. It also has a butt-load of inventive ways it dispatches the walking dead to make you cheer at the carnage on-screen.

Zombieland came out of nowhere to inject some life into a genre that was over-saturated for years. With a focus on having fun and going all out with its unique visual and narrative style.

Ironically, it broke all the rules by laying them out for people literally on screen.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.