10 Zombie Movies You Must See Before You Die

7. Zombieland (2009)

Joseph Pilato - Day Of The Dead

From the scary to the hilarious. Zombieland is a prime example of zombies being used for comic relief: after all, there's a million jokes waiting to be made about these dumb lumbering zombies. While Zombieland may not have been the first zomb-com, it became a massive hit due to its sleek running time, quick quips and dedication to having fun.

The 2009 film stars Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin almost as satires of themselves as they join up to survive in this post-apocalyptic zombie-filled world. Learning to cope with this mad-cow turned mad-person disease, survivors know that friendships are inadvisable but that doesn’t stop fate from joining them together for hilarious consequence.

There are multiple things that make Zombieland excellent; its funny, charismatic cast turn a decent script into a raging blockbuster success that straddles the line between scares and laughs. It doesn’t bother too much with spine-tingling horror but instead decides to play to its strengths in comedic violence and splattered gore. It may not be the most original film on the list, but it’s definitely worth your time.


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