10 Zombie Movies You Must See Before You Die

6. World War Z (2013)

Joseph Pilato - Day Of The Dead
Paramount Pictures

Love it or hate it, those that were there in 2013 will attest to how massive World War Z got. A behemoth of a zombie blockbuster, this film came at the height of the genre and at a point where everyone was hopping on the bandwagon, continuing tropes and retreading old ground. However, World War Z still managed to make things feel fresh and scary while making the most of its massive budget. Living beside many films on this list made cheaply, World War Z is still worth watching.

Coming a few years after Will Smith’s foray into post-apocalypse with I Am Legend, World War Z sees Brad Pitt travelling to find a cure for this new zombie virus in order to protect his family. Mark Forster directs the film and crafts a likeable protagonist who you’re begging to succeed; emotions which are heightened by this take on zombies that makes them rapidly developing speed monsters who climb and threaten.

Technically it is a film plagued by reshoots and lacking nerve, but there are scenes in World War Z that are absolute genre mastery.


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