100 Greatest Comic Book Movies Of All Time

5. Captain America: Civil War

captain america civil war
Marvel Studios

Few movies nail the double page spread-splendour of a good comic set-piece quite like Civil War. Where scores of superhero flicks seek to emulate whatever our minds conjure up when viewing all that luscious artwork, only to get lost in a sea of CG and rubbery physics, the Russos rewrote the book on not only visuals, but stuntwork and choreography too.

Not for nothing, Anthony and Joe Russo grounded the MCU in a far more impactful reality with Winter Soldier, but here they add eye-popping spectacle, a staggering array of characters and interwoven motivations without sacrificing anything.

Of course, the action is just one side of things. Civil War's script is just as much about vigilantism, the doubled-edged sword of judicial authority and the exploration of "doing the right thing", regardless of whether it's governmentally mandated or routed in personal morality.

These two elements combined have made for some of the finest and most memorable comics in the medium's history, and Civil War lives up to its monolithic namesake and then some.


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