100 Greatest Comic Book Movies Of All Time

90. Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance

Nicolas Cage Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance
Columbia Pictures

In a lot of ways, Ghost Rider 2 isn’t technically better than the terrible first effort. Its editing is all over the place, the colour palette is covered entirely in concrete, and the plot is just as nonsensical. The only difference is the sequel knows exactly what it is this time round, and has such fun playing up to that.

Perhaps realising they were never going to become the next Dark Knight or Iron Man, Spirit of Vengeance’s directors are entirely concerned with bringing the banter. Nic Cage goes full Nic Cage as the titular hero, managing to be even more menacing and out-of-his-mind in his regular, human form than he is when his skull is literally on fire.


89. Kick Ass 2

Jim Carrey Kick Ass 2
Universal Pictures

Kick Ass 2 may not be as good as its predecessor, but to call it a major step-down (which many at the time of its release did), feels slightly unfair.

Sure, the premise behind Mark Millar’s comic should’ve probably stopped with just the one film, but there were some interesting ideas behind the sequel - namely the development of an evil league of villains that set out to target Kick Ass and his colleagues.


88. The Dark Knight Returns Parts 1 & 2

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Warner Bros.

Before Zack Snyder brought Frank Miller’s dystopian Bat-book to the big screen in the disastrous Batman V Superman, Warner Bros. Animation did so in a two-part adaptation dubbed The Dark Knight Returns Parts 1 & 2.

Although yes, they are technically two films, they both tell one story - and it’s a damn good one at that.

TDKR won’t need introducing for longtime Bat-fans, but in short, if you like the sound of an old, grizzled and retired Batman coming out of the shadows to stop a crimewave threatening to teeter Gotham on the very edge, then this is definitely the series for you.

Oh, and Robocop voices Batman. Surely that in itself is a major incentive to seek it out?


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