100 Greatest Movie Villains Of All Time

37. Frank - Once Upon A Time In The West

Frank Played By: Henry Fonda Henry Fonda always plays the hero. He was the classic western hero who men wanted to be and women wanted to be with, which is what makes his role as the antagonist in Sergio Leone's western classic that bit more disturbing. Frank appears bereft of emotion and is one of cinema's coldest killers, even doing the unthinkable and killing a harmless and innocent child. Leone's visionary close-ups are put to the greatest effect here as they explore Frank's emotionless, steely face and his big blue eyes which reveal nothing, though you know something evil lurks behind them. From the iconic opening scene to his demise, Frank is a chilling man and the key reason as to why Once Upon A Time in the West is the finest western ever made.

36. Tommy DeVito - Goodfellas

Tommy Played By: Joe Pesci Tommy DeVito is a ticking time bomb ready to implode at any moment. He has a volatile temper, Napoleon syndrome and detests being laughed at or made fun of. He's an attention seeker and show off which is what makes him so dangerous as he is desperate to impress people with his thirst for blood and violence. Pesci won the Oscar for his role in Martin Scorsese's organised crime masterpiece and it was much deserved as he creates an intense fire in the movie that contrasts the calculated cool of Robert De Niro's Jimmy Conway and the youthful exuberance of Ray Liotta's Henry Hill. Everytime Tommy is on screen there is an unnerving sense of thrill as he could blow at any moment, unleashing a wrecking-ball assault at all who stand in his way.

35. Max Cady - Cape Fear

max Cady Played By: Robert De Niro Max Cady is a horrifying man - a rapist first and foremost who feels screwed over because his attorney buried evidence suggesting his victim was promiscuous - as a result, Cady spends years simmering in jail, reading law books and plotting the destruction of his former lawyer. De Niro has never been more fearsome with his tattoos, bulging muscles and unmoving snarl. He's capable of extreme violence including biting a chunk of flesh from a female victim's cheek. But the most terrifying thing about Cady is his psychological torture as he manipulates Juliette Lewis' teenage angst and loneliness to create pain for everyone. Max Cady is a formidable monster and he brings a new definition to single-minded pursuit as he goes to any length to hurt Nick Nolte's Sam Bowden and his family.
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