11 Actors Who Must Play Marvel Movie Heroes Before 2028

5. Norman Reedus - Ghost Rider

Reedus Sooner or later, The Walking Dead are going to upset a lot of fans by killing off Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon, and Robert Kirkman will probably rub his hands with glee at the explosive reaction. That's precisely the sort of fandom that the former Boondock Saints actor has built on the show, and his cult appeal from both of those properties would make him an ideal fan-baiting addition to the MCU. But - and it might be best to whisper this bit - Reedus isn't exactly the most conventionally skilled actor: like Boondocks' co-star Sean Patrick Flanery, he has slummed it for a long time, aside from some punctuating successes, and he doesn't really have the screen presence to play a mainstream Marvel hero. Luckily for him, and for Reedus fans, Marvel now own the rights to Ghost Rider once more, having seen Nic Cage spectacularly mess up the property twice, and there should be opportunity to bring the character into the MCU, if not in his own movie then as a fan-service cameo. And Reedus would perfectly fit the bill for the character.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.