11 Actors Who Must Play Marvel Movie Heroes Before 2028

6. Armie Hammer - Jack Flag

Armie Hammer Jack Flag If the Guardians Of The Galaxy franchise takes off as expected, and Marvel commissions further sequels, there's a good chance they will follow the expected trajectory of the Avengers franchise by introducing new members and boosting the ranks of the ensemble. Though he starts as a side-character in the Captain America universe, Flag would make a strong addition to the Guardians, not least because he would bring more humanity to the group (and potentially replace Peter Quill when he is either banished to the Negative Zone or killed). It can only be a matter of time before Hammer is cast in a Marvel movie, and the super-powered, charismatic Flag would be the perfect solution. The role would take advantage of Hammer's physical presence, as well as his charm, and though Lone Ranger was widely panned, he did show his ability to act behind a mask, which would be key.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.