11 Actors Who Should Take Over Indiana Jones

9. Alden Ehrenreich

Idris Elba Indiana Jones
Universal Pictures

Ehrenreich is already attempting the impossible, so why not let him try it twice?

With the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story being plagued by all kinds of production woes throughout its filming, a large portion of the internet is extremely concerned about how the film will turn out. Rumors of Ehrenreich getting an acting coach midway through filming were recently confirmed in a GQ interview, and now the pressure is truly on the young star.

As if that wasn't enough already, he's also stepping into a role made iconic by Harrison Ford. This requires him to toe the line of being Harrison Ford without ever feeling like he's just doing an impression of Harrison Ford, which is not an easy task.

Despite all these concerns, there is reason to be cautiously optimistic. Ehrenreich's big role prior to Solo was in the Coen Brothers' Hail, Caesar!, in which he played an actor struggling with a part behind the scenes (a bit too prophetic now). But here's the thing: he was a revelation in the role.

He was funny, gripping, and positively oozed a cinematic presence larger than his stature or stardom would imply. The 'would that it were so simple' sequence features him selling the film's funniest sequence with dramatic gravitas to spare.

For all of these reasons and more, if Ehrenreich pulls it off with Solo, let him have a swing at Indy because he's just as perfectly suited for that role as he is for Han.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.