11 Awesome Movie Characters Stupidly Killed Off In Sequels

2 & 1. Newt & Hicks - Alien 3

hicksnewtHow They Died: In the opening moments of Alien 3, we see a facehugger running around the escape pod we last saw the protagonists asleep on at the end of Aliens. It turns out that when the pod crashes, Newt is drowned and Hicks is impaled by a pole. Why It Sucks: Newt's presence in Aliens helped develop Ripley significantly as a character, with her maternal instincts towards Newt relating to the loss of her own daughter, given how long Ripley had been in stasis. To completely throw away everything Ripley fought for in the previous film is hugely disappointing, and was reportedly because the actress who played Newt, Carrie Henn, had aged significantly (as children do) in the 6 years between films, and was also no longer acting. Hicks, meanwhile, was the one Marine who actually seemed to have a proper sense of decency and temperament; hilarious though Hudson and co. are, Hicks had a level head, and that's why he survived Aliens. As for excluding him from Alien 3, there's no good reason at all, and actor Michael Biehn was so angry that he demanded to be paid the same salary he got for starring in Aliens, as his likeness was used in Alien 3. Pretty good payday, but why didn't they just include him in the damn movie? Which killed off character annoys you the most? Let us know in the comments below.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.