11 Awful Directors With One Great Movie

8. Dennis Dugan - Happy Gilmore

Dennis Dugan Happy Gilmore Adam Sandler

The Awful Director: Prolific comedy director Dennis Dugan has been making terrible movies for almost three decades, with all-but-one of his dozen-plus films being critically savaged.

That's the natural consequence of more than half his filmography being comprised of Adam Sandler films, though, Dugan being responsible for the likes You Don't Mess with the Zohan, Just Go with It, Jack and Jill, and both Grown Ups movies.

Given the insanely bloated budgets that most Sandler movies have (Grown Ups 2 somehow cost $80 million!), it's safe to say that Dugan is probably being handsomely compensated for his work, and it's not like your average Sandler studio comedy needs much in the way of directorial skill in order to be financially successful.

The One Great Movie: Dugan does have the terrific sports comedy Happy Gilmore to his name, which is most certainly Sandler's funniest film and easily the pair's only genuinely hilarious collaboration to date.

Granted, the script did most of the work here, not to mention the killer supporting cast, but Dugan didn't screw it up, which is something.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.