11 Awful Directors With One Great Movie

7. Tarsem Singh - The Fall

Tarsem Singh Mirror Mirror
Relativity Media

The Awful Director: Music video director Tarsem Singh got his big break helming the thoroughly daft 2000 sci-fi horror The Cell, and his other career duds include sword-and-sandals flick Immortals, Snow White movie Mirror Mirror, and most recently the terrible Ryan Reynolds-starring sci-fi disaster Self/less.

Singh certainly has an eye for sharp visuals, but for the most part he lacks the discipline or skill to translate these gorgeous standalone images into a wholly compelling feature.

The One Great Movie: Singh's 2006 fantasy adventure The Fall received polarising reviews from critics, but gained a rare 4/4 write-up from the legend himself, Roger Ebert, and ended up on the year-end lists of several prominent film critics. To call the film a cult classic these days is an understatement.

This is Singh's single movie where he managed to harness his style in the right direction, perhaps because he largely funded the film with his own money and therefore had to make few concessions to others.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.