11 Best Scenes From 2017's Summer Blockbusters

2. Caesar Dies - War For The Planet Of The Apes

Caesar From War For The Planet Of The Apes
20th Century Fox

The war between man and apes concludes in spectacular fashion at the end of Matt Reeves' stunning trilogy-capper, with all remaining humans in the vicinity being decimated by an avalanche, allowing the apes to climb into the nearby trees in order to survive.

The apes find sanctuary, but their leader Caesar (Andy Serkis) was mortally wounded during the earlier battle, and begins to succumb to his injuries as a devastated Maurice (Karin Konoval) tells him that his son and the other apes will know the sacrifice that he made.

Easily the most emotionally resonant ending to any movie this summer, Caesar's death was enormously impactful thanks to the beautifully brilliant work at Weta Digital on Caesar and Maurice in particular, Andy Serkis' incredible performance, Michael Giacchino's deeply affecting musical score and Matt Reeves' restrained direction.

If you've sat through all three of these movies and weren't left tearing up by the end, were you really even watching them at all?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.