11 Bizarre Ways Movies Have Been Spoiled

7. The Toy Story 3 Lego Playset Spoiled A Key Moment

Pixar did a really good job of keeping Toy Story 3 details hidden away, only for the film€™s most traumatic moment €“ the nightmarish incinerator scene €“ to get its very own colourful Lego playset right before the movie came out. Not only did the set spoil the movie€™s most dramatic scene, the Amazon description gave away that Lotso was going to be the movie€™s villain. Not only that, it also gave away that Woody and friends would eventually be rescued by the aliens; something that badly undercuts the tension of the scene when watching it for the first time. It appears to be an oversight that the set got released first, but why kids would want to act out this moment €“ which probably made them weep in the cinema - with a playable Lego set is even bigger mystery.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.