11 Bonkers Theories About 2019’s Movies That Surely Can’t Be True

7. Madison Has A Psychic Link To Mothra - Godzilla: King Of The Monsters

Godzilla King Of The Monsters Millie Bobby Brown
Warner Bros.

This theory stems from a supposed "plot leak" from the ever-reliable 4chan, which posits that young Madison Russell (Millie Bobby Brown) will receive a series of apocalyptic visions from twin fairies, which will urge her to awaken Mothra in order to battle the all-powerful Titan King Ghidorah.

Later in the film, Madison and her mother Emma (Vera Farmiga) visit Mothra's temple, and as she emerges from her cocoon, Mothra forms a psychic connection with Madison, allowing Madison to serve as the creature's "translator" to humanity.

If the leak is to be believed, this also leads to a scene late in the movie where Mothra attempts to convince Godzilla and Rodan to team up against Ghidorah, with Madison conveying the message between parties. Just...what!?

It's a theory so silly it nearly becomes plausible again, especially with the trailers somewhat supporting the leak (and showing Madison smiling up at one of the Titans, which is surely Mothra).

But it's probably a step too ridiculous for a movie that won't want to get too weird and risk alienating popcorn-munching audiences.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.