11 Bonkers Theories About 2019’s Movies That Surely Can’t Be True

3. Winston Is John's Dad - John Wick 3: Parabellum

John Wick Chapter 2 Winston Ian McShane Keanu Reeves
Summit Entertainment

In fairness, this has been a prominent theory for quite some time, that New York Continental owner Winston (Ian McShane) is in fact the father of legendary assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves).

This obviously raises a ton of questions, namely whether both men are actually aware of their relation to one another, and while Hollywood sure is obsessed with making everyone related to everyone else these days, this would risk feeling horrendously forced.

The previous films have presented a mildly paternal relationship between Winston and John at best, really, so while it's not impossible, it does feel a tad like clutching at straws.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.