11 Bonkers Theories About 2019’s Movies That Surely Can’t Be True

4. Its Theatrical Release Will Be Cancelled - The New Mutants

The New Mutants Anya Taylor Joy Lightened

The New Mutants has had a rather...interesting journey to audiences, what with its release originally being planned for this past April, before being delayed by 16 months in order for director Josh Boone to complete extensive re-shoots and make the film more horror-centric.

With Fox's current X-Men continuity due to implode with the completion of the Fox/Disney merger early next year, it's safe to say that Dark Phoenix and The New Mutants are basically just obligatory releases at this point.

And considering that The New Mutants' re-shoots still haven't taken place even as the merger looms closer, don't be surprised if the film's cinema release ends up cancelled by Disney, with it instead being dumped direct to their Disney+ streaming service late next year.

It's one of the more believable theories on this list, though given the popularity of the movie's young cast and how rarely the horror genre bombs at the box office, it's probably still worth releasing the film theatrically.

After all, nobody's going to subscribe to Disney+ just to watch this with all the negative press surrounding it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.