11 Comic Book Characters Who Shouldn't Have Had A Movie (And The Alternatives Who Should)

1. Howard The Duck

This is, by far, the most baffling of all the decisions to release a movie about a particular comic book character. The reason? Well, because Marvel have thousands of characters to choose from and, in 1986, they chose to release one about an anthropomorphic duck with skills in a martial art known as "Quack Fu". Nearly thirty years later, we're still waiting for films about the likes of Black Panther, Doctor Strange and Namor, yet three decades ago we were presented with one about a god-damned talking duck. The movie made its budget of $37 million back at the box office but it took an absolute pounding from critics. It also showcased one of those most awkward and downright weird bedroom scenes in the history of cinema. Awful. There's no other word for it. Tim Robbins is still probably ashamed to be attached to this abomination. Alternative movie that should have been made: Literally anything. Any street-level hero who wouldn't have required a major budget for Thor/Hulk/Iron Man-esque special effects would have been better than this. Howard the Duck was simply an absurd choice for a live action movie. Moon Knight, Black Canary, U.S. Agent, Hawkeye, ANYONE would have been more suitable than this guy! So there you have it - eleven comic book characters who never should have had their own movie (and the alternatives who should have had one instead). Do you agree? Or should every character be given a chance to shine on the big screen? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.