11 Comic Book Movie Characters Who Were Killed Way Too Quickly

9. Ronan The Accuser - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Ronan The Accuser
Marvel Studios

Again, the decision to kill Ronan in the latest - and arguably greatest - Marvel movie was problematic not least because it made no sense. Ronan had literally already survived pretty much the exact same thing that apparently killed him: it's not like he could have been a little bit impregnated with the Infinity Stone's power - no more than he could ever be a little bit pregnant - so the fact that the same power then kills him when the signal was boosted by love (or some other flowery reason) is a little odd.

But in longer-term concerns, Ronan is a far more engaging villain than some of the villains in comic book movies who currently remains alive: the spark of humanity in him that manifests in his bubbling need for vengeance actually makes him more appealing and more relatable than Thanos could ever be, and he would have been a good continuous presence.

He's basically Darth Vader to Thanos' Emperor, an over-powered, viscious henchman capable of drawing more fan adoration than his master because he's far more perversely sympathetic. Yes, he was a little under-used, but that's not to say that future Guardians movies couldn't flesh him out in the way Loki was given more time, and frankly the Guardians franchise needs a little help for villains.

Aside from Thanos and Adam Warlock, pickings are a little slim, and it would have been good to have him available for selection at a later date at least.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.