11 Comic Book Movie Characters Who Were Killed Way Too Quickly

8. Norman Osborn - The Amazing Spider-Man

Amazing Spider-Man Norman Osborn

How not to endear yourself to millions of comic book fans as a film-maker: kill of one of the most enduring villains that fandom has ever seen before giving him a chance to shine.

Such was the case with Norman Osborn in the first Amazing Spider-Man. To be honest, there may have been some intention to revive Osborn, but the sequel tanked and that was that. Plus, if he had come back, there would have to have been some heavy retro-writing done to explain not only his deadness, but also why his underlings at Oscorp would maliciously alienate his beloved son.

Even so, the decision to kill him off was a bad one, because it robbed fans of Spidey's most enduring villain, and the opportunity to introduce the real Green Goblin. Yes, Dane DeHaan's Harry was a nice bit of casting, and his crack-whore performance was a nice touch, but he's going to be forever undermined by the fact that he's not his father.

And that's not to mention the fact that Norman's death confused the biology of how Harry didn't die: Norman died slowly over years, and couldn't find a cure, while Harry deteriorated over a matter of days and managed to basically shake off the disease like it was a mild cold, thanks to the spider venom that his father had at his disposal for some time.


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