11 Common Movie Tropes That Would Actually Ruin Your Life

1. Superhero Landing

Deadpool was right, this one is really hard on the knees.

The superhero landing, you know the one, looks cool but is a disastrously bad idea. The one-leg-bent-one-leg-splayed form of the landing means that the entire force of the landing is being taken through one leg with the knee almost always bent way past 90 degrees. This is a super good way of sustaining uneven compression injuries which are precisely zero fun.

You should also never try to support your landing with your hands as, although it seems like a good way to stabilize yourself, the hands, wrists and arms can take significantly less force than the legs, increasing the likelihood of injury. To make matters worse, a common variation of the superhero landing involves slamming one knee into the ground. Come on now.

The best way to land a large jump is to land on both feet, bend the knees up to 90 degrees on impact (making sure that the feet are parallel) and, if needs be, perfect a diagonal landing roll to take the pressure off the spine. Do not, for the love of god, attempt a superhero landing from anything higher than your bed.


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