11 Confusing Moments That Prove All Movies Exist In An Alternate Reality

4. Jay & Silent Bob - Scream 3

Dimension Films

Another one for the meta-loving Scream franchise, there are three confusing references to Kevin Smith's View Askew universe. In the first movie, a copy of Clerks appears in the background of a party scene at the end of the movie, and then the third movie in the franchise took the reference even further, giving a fan-baiting cameo to the director and foul-mouthed side-kick Jason Mewes in their roles as Jay and Silent Bob.

Confusingly, the performances are credited as Jay and Silent Bob, as if there would be any confusing them, muddying the divide between the two universes, which was further complicated by Wes Craven's reciprocal cameo casting of Wes Craven as himself in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. He plays himself, in the process of making an alternate Scream 4, despite having been on the studio tour with the pair in 3. By the latest count that's four universes: ours, the Clerks universe, the Scream universe and a fourth universe where Jay & Silent Bob are real (and fans of Scream), and Scream 4 wasn't the awful mess the released version was.


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