11 Distressed Movie Characters Who Couldn't Kill Themselves To End Their Pain

7. Hugh Jackman - The Wolverine

Throughout The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman's clawed weapon is tormented by the image of Jean Grey, who he was forced to kill at the end of X-Men: The Last Stand when she let herself go to the dark side, and became the Dark Phoenix - despite the fact that there was very little left of the Grey Logan knew and loved by the time she bought the big one. Still, guilt is a cruel mistress, and it is obvious that Wolverine's torment is enough for him to crave death - which is particularly obvious when he is tempted by Yashida's offer to take his healing factor away from him. Though he refuses, Logan sees his immortality as a curse, particularly as he wears the scars of his past so profoundly (or at least those he can remember) and there is certainly a note of tragedy about his being trapped in perpetual life as others around him die. Logan never actually tries to kill himself, but the implication is that he seeks death as a release, but recognises that it would be impossible, given his powers.

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