11 Distressed Movie Characters Who Couldn't Kill Themselves To End Their Pain

6. Ripley - Alien 3

Though the bald-headed heroine of the Alien franchise effectively chooses death on her own terms to a more bloody, but inevitable death thanks to the alien queen about to burst out of her, her death is undoubtedly a glorious suicide. By the time Alien 3 ends, Ripley has been through the grinder on multiple occasions: she has seen her original crew cut to ribbons, including genuine friends, and was then forced to watch a band of military hulks meet the same fate, before her happy ending escape with Newt and Hicks is smushed into tiny pieces and she ends up on a planet of stark raving lunatics with a penchant for sexual violence. So when she ultimately embraces her fate and throws herself, and her alien queen embryo into furnace, the odd contented look on her face isn't just her vengeance over the species attempting to use her as an egg-casing - it's also the triumphant release of death. But then, thanks to the miracles of cloning, and the idiocy of Hollywood, Ripley was dragged back from her grave resting place and cloned from a blood sample that noone saw anyone take from her in Alien 3, that somehow also included the alien queen's DNA, all against the backdrop of scientists around the universe banging their heads off hard surfaces. Not even after all of her ordeals is Ripley allowed to die, which is clearly all she wants as she plummets towards her death in Alien 3, and instead she was brought back to smear mud all over the Alien franchise.

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