11 Most Evil Fictional Movie Nazis

8. Klaus - In A Glass Cage (1987)

Koko Klaus is a former Nazi death camp doctor who inflicted hideous medical experiments on children. He managed to evade capture and now lives with his wife and daughter in Spain. Klaus has been actively torturing and killing young boys since World War Two. A man who managed to flee from Klaus' atrocities - Angelo - has photographic proof of Klaus' wicked deeds and blackmails him with it. Aware his number is up, Klaus tries to kill himself by flinging his body out of the window but ends up paralysed instead and in an iron lung machine. Klaus' wife Griselda soon grows fed up caring for Klaus and she misses Germany. Then a young man named Angelo waltzes into her life, offering his services as a nurse for Klaus. What she doesn't know is that Angelo and Klaus had a kinky sadomasochistic relationship and Angelo is here, not to nurse Klaus but to actually become him. Angelo starts off by killing Griselda. He then begins to lure young boys back to the house and he kills them and tortures them in front of Klaus. Klaus tells his daughter Rena to flee because Angelo has lost control of himself. Eventually Angelo pulls Klaus out of the iron lung and lets him die before he gets into it himself and assumes Klaus' identity. A very sombre, very nauseating film to watch, In a Glass Cage , if you choose to buy it, will not be a DVD that you play frequently - unless you are a perverted Neo Nazi. It has never really been given the recognition it deserves - probably due to the horrific content of the movie which will alienate even the staunchest of cult movie fans. It is uncompromising in the abuse and murder of young boys. Generally agreed to be a very well made, effective film that showcases the role of depraved people in Nazi atrocities and the effects that these atrocities have upon the victim - through the vessel of Angelo. Up there with Salo in the hard to watch stakes.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!