11 Most Evil Fictional Movie Nazis

6. Standartenführer Herzog - Dead Snow (2009)

deadsnow Standartenführer Herzog is the evil Nazi in this slice of engaging Norwegian horror. The twist is - he is in zombie form, but he still retains the ability to bark out orders to his zombie Nazi troops and command them to kill. He terrorises a group of young Norwegian people who are staying in a remote house in an isolated and very snowy part of Norway. They do not learn of his existence until a mysterious hiker informs them of the region's past horrors in World War Two. An Einsatzgruppe occupied the area under the leadership of Herzog and they abused and killed the locals. At the end of the war, the Nazis, under Herzog's command, looted all of the people in the area's valuables. The locals, however, staged an uprising and killed many Nazis, chasing the survivors into the woods where it was supposed that they died of hypothermia. One of the young people finds the Nazi's stolen treasures and this sparks the zombies into life. They start killing the house inhabitants, in a rage to get their treasure back. This is under the instruction of zombie Herzog and seven of the young people are killed by Nazi zombies. At the film's finale two survivors are left and are about to make a bid to kill Herzog when he shouts 'Aufstehen!' (Get up!) and hordes of Nazi zombies come out of the snow. Herzog joins in the Nazi killing this time - disembowelling a survivor. The other survivor figures Herzog is after the gold and he drops a gold coin he had which seems to mollify Herzog. Then he gets into the car and finds another gold coin lying on the floor - surely Herzog will be murderously enraged at this? Although he is a zombie, Herzog has his wits about him. He is agile, quick to respond and able to attack people for complex reasons (i.e. He wants more than their intestines). His scheming nature is at odds with the usual behaviour of zombies - he is able to command and order troops and make complex decisions. He is thoroughly evil for many reasons. He was an evil Nazi when he was alive - menacing the local population. He kills (via his control over the other Nazi soldiers) all of the characters in the film. And finally, the whole purpose of the killing is to retrieve treasure he and his troops pillaged from the locals in World War Two. These ill gotten gains trigger the wrath of a thoroughly evil Nazi, who even in zombie state, wreaks havoc on innocent people due to his greed.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!