11 Flat Out Lies We Were Told Just To Sell A Movie (And We Stupidly Believed)

8. "We'€™re Doing Something New" - Marc Webb On The Amazing Spider-Man

Sony Pictures

The odd fan may still be moaning that The Amazing Spider-Man franchise came a little too soon after Sam Raimi€™'s continuity was danced all over with Spider-Man 3, but for the most part Marc Webb'€™s first outing in the Amazing Quadrilogy was met with high anticipation, with audiences ready to walk out shouting €œTobey who?€

The reason that people generally weren€™'t as cynical about this remake compared to others was because this time it looked like the filmmakers had actually done something interesting; this was a Nolan-esque take where the technicalities of Spider-Man€™'s origins and the death of his parents would be fully explored. Who wouldn'€™t want to sign up for that?

As we all now know, it was actually one of the most prolific examples of false advertising in cinema history, with the only story that got told being the one of how Marc Webb sold out to the franchise machine. The main draw to get everyone into the cinema ended up being a massive lie, leaving us with a Batman Begins/Raimi Spider-Man mash-up.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.