11 Great Actors With Terrible Last Roles

10. Peter Cushing

The Great Actor: To modern audiences he's probably best remembered for Star Wars, where he played the role of Death Star commander Grand Moff Tarkin, but that just the tip of Peter Cushing's legacy. Nowadays it's pretty amazing for an actor to play two iconic roles (wait, how can Chris Evans be the Human Torch and Captain America?!), but Cushing didn't rest there; he had three. Playing Victor Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes and, our personal favourite, Van Helsing in multiple Hammer films, Cushing became one of the most instantly recognisable British screen actors. He's also notable for being the one part of Doctor Who the rebooted show has made no attempt to cannonise. The Terrible Final Role: Air Commodore William Raymond - Biggles: Adventures in Time A popular young adult adventure book that successfully worked on TV in the sixties, bringing Biggles to the big screen fifty years after he was relevant is like bringing John Carter or The Lone Ranger to the big screen fifty years since they were relevant (zing). Adventures In Time had a flippant approach to the source, boasting a time travel plot for some reason. And, in there, is Peter Cushing's last performance as a former pilot who lives in Tower Bridge. Bring back vampire hunting; that was realistic.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.